Getting Started in Outlook

To access the Numero functions in Outlook you must open an email. Open Outlook, select New Email. Click on the Numero tab in the ribbon to use the Numero functions.


Calculations with Numero in MS Outlook

There are a couple of ways that you can do basic calculations in Numero. You can do calculations by using the Evaluate button , by right clicking in the body of an email, in the Formula Bar or in a table.

What type of Calculations can you do?

In Numero we can do Basic MathNumber FormatingCurrency Conversions, Unit Conversions and Translations 

What Functions are there in Numero?

In Numero you can use the Formula Bar, the Evaluate ButtonAutoSumAutoCalcs and Number Formatting and Plaintext, You can also use CTRL + 3 to evaluate many calculations in the body of the email.

Calculations using the Evaluate Button

evaluateThe Evaluate button will calculate highlighted data in the body of an email or highlighted cells in a table. This could be a mathematical function or a currency conversion. Evaluate will give the relevant answer.


Calculations using CTRL + 3

CTRL + 3 will calculate data in the body of an email or cells in a table. You can do a currency or measurement conversion or a basic math calculations. CTRL + 3 will also AutoSum if used in a table as seen below.

Calculations using the Formula Bar

To perform basic calculations, such as multiplication, division, addition or subtraction. Select Formula Bar and enter the sum directly into the Formula Bar. Click enter to load the answer.


Alternatively you can highlight the sum in the body of the document and load it into the Formula bar as shown in the animation below. Once the calculation is loaded hit enter to get the answer. The answer can then be pasted back into the document with the paste button.

basic border=

Calculations using Right Click

To perform basic calculations, such as multiplication, division, addition or subtraction in the body of an email. Highlight the sum and right click to reveal the Numero menu.


Calculations in Tables

You can perform many calculations in Tables in Microsoft Outlook.  In the example below we want to find out how much we made on the sale each item and what was the total Revenue amount. Use the formula =L1*L2 which will multiply the content of the cell to the left of the cell you are in by the content of the cell two cells to the left. You must then copy and paste the formula into all the cells that you want to use this calculation in. Once copied highlight the column and either do a CTRL+3 or click on the Evaluate Button.


Table References

With tables in Numero we use the following references L, R, U and D. In the example below X marking the cell from which you are referencing, you would use the references given to identify the cells around you.

table references

The Table Wizard

You can also use the Table Wizard to perform certain calculations. Sum, Average, Min, Max etc. Start by entering an equals sign into the cell you want to perform the calculation in, this will start the wizard. Follow the wizard to complete the calculation.

Cumulative Calculations

In the example below you will see how cell referencing is used to sum the two adjacent cells and also to do a cumulative calculation which includes the sum of the cell above. This formula L1+L2+U1 can be copied down through the cells of that column to the final cell where an AutoSum calculates the total column.



If you have a column of numbers that you would like to sum, highlight the cells in the column and select the AutoSum Button on the Numero ribbon.


We can also get the Average, Count, Max and Min of a group of cells, in the example below you can see by highlighting the column and selecting the different functions under the AutoSum button you can do quick calculations.




AutoCalcs are used in table calculations only. These are a wide array of functions that can be carried out on the data in a table.

Highlight the selection of cells to be included in the AutoCalc. In the example below you will see that when you click on the menu, in this example Order and Sort(a). The drop down box gives you a preview of the numbers sorted from smallest to largest. SortD(a) from Largest to Smallest etc. When you select the option the array of numbers in the column will be replaced by the selected series.


Basic Math in Numero

There are numerous ways to do basic calculations with Numero, you can use the Formula Bar, access the Numero Menu by right clicking on the highlighted sum or simply use the Evaluate Button as shown below.


Calculating Percentages

If you want to calculate a percentage, this can be carried out by using the Evaluate Button, the formula bar or by right clicking and accessing the Numero menu.



You can undo any calculation that you have completed.

The Number Formatter

numberformatTo access the Number Formatter, highlight a number in the body of text and either right click, select Numero and Number format, or select the option from the Number Formatter area of the Numero ribbon.


Format Number as Percentage

To format a number to percent, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and Format as Percent.

Format Number as Local Currency

To format a number to local currency, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and Local Currency Format.

Format Number as thousands

To format a number to thousands, right lick on the number, select Numero, Number Format and Format as thousands. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Format Number in Exponential Format

To format a number in Exponential format, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and Exponential Format. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Format Number in Scientific Format

To format a number in Scientific Format, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and Scientific Format. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Format Number as two decimal places

To format a number to two decimal places, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and format to two decimal places. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Increase Decimal Places

To increase decimal places, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and select increase decimal places. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Decrease Decimal Places

To decrease decimal places, right click on the number, select Numero, Number Format and select Decrease decimal places. Alternatively select the icon from the Number Format area on the Menu bar.

Currency Conversions

Converting to another currency can be done using the Formula bar or by right clicking in the body of the text. Numero will recognise the currency symbol and the recognised three letter abbreviation of your currency.

Convert Currency using the Formula Bar Wizard

Type currency you want to convert from directly into the Formula Bar. The answer bar will suggest the top ten most commonly used currencies. If your currency is not one of the ones listed continue to type in the Formula bar as shown in the following gif.

currency wizard

Convert Currency using the Evaluate Button

Type currency amount in the body of email. Highlight the text and select the Evaluate button from the Numero Ribbon. The Evaluate button will show top ten currencies.


Convert Currency using Right Click Menu

Type the currency you want to convert from into the body of the email and right click and select Numero. Numero will suggest a number of currencies to you. Click on the correct currency and it will be inserted directly into your email. If the currency you require is not visible. Type directly into the text area the three letters that are associated with that currency.


Convert Currency using CTRL+3

You can also use CTRL+3 to convert currency directly in the email you are working in.

Unit Conversions

Numero can be used for unit conversions, you can carry out unit conversions in the Formula bar, by using the Numero menu accessed by right clicking on the highlighted entry or by using the Evaluate button in the Numero Ribbon.

unit conversion.gif

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